Bump to Birth
Body work and adjustments focus on spinal, rib, and pelvic alignment during all stages of pregnancy. During the first and second trimester the focus is on avoiding pain, decreasing risk of injury, and assisting breathing ability. In the third trimester the focus shifts to optimal baby positioning for labor progression.
Posture Correction
As the baby grows larger the muscles of the chest, hips, and low back can become tight. Posture correction uses a combination of massage, stretching, and personalized strengthening to improve posture and allow baby more room to grow.
Kegel Guidance
Knowing how to perform a kegel during pregnancy helps to prevent urinary leakage throughout pregnancy and after delivery. Not all pregnant patients are appropriate for kegel training. This external assessment of the pelvic floor musculature helps determine if kegels are right for you, and how many are appropriate for your pregnancy.
Push Practice
In the final weeks of pregnancy it is valuable to understand how to fully lengthen your pelvic floor to assist with a vaginal delivery. Depending on your birth plan we can practice this in multiple positions to empower you to have the best delivery.
Perineal Massage
This massage is great to start at 34 weeks gestation to prepare the muscles and connective tissue to stretch and open. This can be taught to you or a partner to continue through the final weeks of pregnancy.