Physical Therapy
We treat:
Pregnancy Pain: Neck, Low Back, Sacroiliac (SI), Hip, Pelvic Pain
Symphysis Pubis Syndrome (SPD) or Pregnancy Related Pubic Bone Pain
Round Ligament Pain
Pregnancy Related Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Urinary Dysfunction: Urinary Incontinence (Leaking), Urinary Retention, Urinary Urgency and/or Frequency
Bowel Dysfunction: Bowel/Gas Incontinence (Leaking), Constipation
Pain During and After Intercourse/Orgasm
Coccyx (tailbone) Pain
Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Separation)
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (Fallen Bladder, Uterus, Rectum, Bowel)
Postpartum Scar Care (Caesarian Section and Perineal From Episiotomy or Tearing)
Postpartum Pain: Neck, Shoulder, Trunk, Abdominal, Low Back, Sacroiliac (SI), Hip, Pelvic Pain
Male Pelvic Pain, Testicular Pain, Penile Pain (In-Office Only)
Pediatric Constipation (Infant to Teens)
Pediatric Night-time Bed Wetting
Pediatric Development Delay
Pediatric Gross Motor Assessments for Infants
Pediatric Assessment and Education for Developmental Milestones, Tummy Time, Container Syndrome