Birth Prep

90 minute session available at 38 weeks of pregnancy up to delivery

Birth Prep is a 90 minute session focused entirely on preparing the body for the amazing work of the birthing process. Vaginal delivery requires the body to work in unison to get baby from safely tucked in your uterus out to your waiting arms. This session focuses on 4 key components of body work to prepare your body and mind for a great birth experience

Pelvic Bone Mobility

As baby descends down into the pelvis the hip bones, sacrum and coccyx (the tailbone) are required to shift and move to allow baby to rotate and make their way down at various stages of delivery. Manual techniques focus on releasing the two primary ligaments, sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments, that allow the sacrum and coccyx to move backward and make room for baby’s head to come through and exit. Gentle rocking of the sacrum prepares the sacroiliac joint for stretching and opening to allow the pelvic bones to expand.

Hip Flexibility

The hip joints must be flexible enough to allow you to assume any position that feels best for pushing which can include knees to chest, squatting with one or both legs, or being on hands and knees to name a few. During Birth Prep the hips are stretched and released to allow pain free movement in all directions.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Stretching

The pelvic floor muscles are assessed externally for tension or pain and gently released (through soft clothing or a sheet) to allow the muscles and fascia to let go and allow baby to exit safely. Optional treatments include gentle perineal massage and vaginal muscle release to prepare the perineum to open and stretch. This is effective in decreasing potential trauma to the perineum during vaginal delivery for the first time birthing parent or someone who has delivered before with a healed perineal scar to prevent recurrence of tearing along the scar.

Above the pelvis the abdominals, diaphragm, ribs and thoracic spine must move well and in rhythm to assist the birthing process.